Frequently Asked Questions

What is a test period?

What languages available in app?

How skilled the Manager should be?

How does the Resident pay for the EasyLife service?

If not all Residents want to use the EasyLife service?

What else is available to Residents?

What cities in Turkey do you work in?

What is a test period?

Test period - test access to all system functionality for up to 30 days without payment. Open use by both Residents and Management without any restrictions

На каких языках работает предложение?

At the moment, the app has three interface languages: Turkish, English and Russian. More languages will be added in the near future, including German, Norwegian and Farsi.

Какой уровень знаний должен быть у Управляющего?

The manager must be a confident personal computer and smartphone user. All systems are translated into three languages and have a clear user-friendly interface.

Как Жилец оплачивает сервис EasyLife?

The resident of the complex uses all the features of the system without additional payment. The cost of the service is paid by the Management Company from the collected monthly Aydat fee.

Если не все Жильцы хотят использовать сервис EasyLife?

The decision to connect to the service is made by resolution at the annual Residents' meeting, just as decisions are made about repairs, kapygi, etc.

Что еще доступно Жильцам?

Other sections of the application are available to users of the system, regardless of their use of the EasyLife service:

GID (CITY) - a structured directory of useful places, attractions, tourist sites for foreigners,

ADs - private classifieds submission system,

Currency converter and much more. The application is available for free download from the AppStore and GooglePlay stores.Currency converter and much more. The application is available for free download from the AppStore and GooglePlay stores

В каких городах Турции вы работаете?

We operate in the whole of Turkey, including Northern Cyprus. This system requires no developer intervention except for initial training of the Managers.

Manuals and Materials

Download EasyLife from Google Play

Download EasyLife from Apple Store

Fill in the form to join your Residence to EasyLife

Sign Up for a free trial account 

How to download, install and pass registration

How to apply you apartrment

Как подать объявление

Information for Residents (3 languages)

Read EasyLife channel in Telegram (in Russian)

Call Us:

+90 535 0550 768

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For any questions about the EasyLife Homes service

On questions of placement, advertising and cooperation

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